Health Facts

Back pain is often caused by obesity
Most people know that obesity contributes to the development of various diseases. However, did you know that obesity is a contributing factor to back pain? It is true. Being overweight or obese can significantly contribute to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis.
Rick B. Delamarter, M.D., Medical Director

A board-certified orthopaedic surgeon on staff , Rick B. Delamarter, M.D., is the medical director of The Spine Institute
- Santa Monica CA.
Curriculum Vitae (pdf format)
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After receiving his medical degree from the University of Oregon Health Science Center, Portland, Dr. Delamarter completed his surgical internship and orthopaedic residency at UCLA Medical Center. He also completed a spine fellowship at Case Western Reserve University and has received training at the Acute Spinal Cord Injury Unit of Cleveland Veteran's Hospital. He was awarded a visiting fellowship at Grouple Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere in Paris, France.
Currently, Dr. Delamarter is an associate clinical professor in the Department of Surgery at UCLA School of Medicine. He is an acknowledged expert on treatment for serious back and spine problems using advanced technologies, such as minimally-invasive microsurgery and complex spinal reconstruction.
Dr. Delamarter has won national and international research awards, including the 1991 Volvo Award from International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, New Investigator Recognition Award in 1991 from the Orthopaedic Research Society and the Acromed Award in 1991 from the North American Spine Society. He is continuously involved in spine related research and has written over 200 articles, book chapters and abstracts.
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The Spine Institute is often in the news pioneering new treatments to help the reported 34 million Americans 18 years and older who suffer lower back pain, and another 9 million who suffer neck pain. Watch the news coverage here.